on November 9th, 2009 by Rebeccca
I love Twitter. The creative people who use it to tempt us away from our very important work to read insights and interpretations from their view of the world. I read some of this stuff and think – WOW – how beautifully written. How truthful. Some of it stabs deep into my heart. Some of [...]
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on September 12th, 2009 by Rebeccca
When I was younger, if I did hard, physical work for a few days, I became stronger. Now, I seem to just get tired. I’ve had two weeks (well, really just eight days – 4 days/week) to build up those muscles and gain stamina. The muscles are sore – does that mean they’re getting stronger? [...]
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on December 9th, 2008 by Rebeccca
Connecting the world through music. This documentary film records street musicians and people singing outdoors from all over the world. They sing/play different parts of the same song and the magical technicians layer it together. Here is a portion of “One Love” from the DVD: And “Stand By Me”: Playing for Change website
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